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About Me

Hi there! I am web developer, digital communications strategist and entrepreneur at Mídia Conecta with more than 5 years of experience in ICT coordinating and developing projects for the web and implementing and analyzing campaigns for social networks. I work with all sorts of customers, from small businesses to global companies. You can also see my resume for more details.

In the free time, I am volunteer at Mozilla as community representative, a non-profit organization helping to keep the Internet healthy, open and accessible to all.

I am currently available for hire. If you would like to discuss a project, drop me a message.

What can I do for you...

Marketing Icon
Develop communications plans, marketing strategies and webmarketing focused on social networks.
Branding Icon
Produce visual materials for social networks, web, video, and print to create a professional identity.
Web Development Icon
Web Development
Programming websites with a structured and optimized code for search engines using the latest technologies.
Localization Icon
Proofread and produce idiomatic translations for websites, products, emails and marketing campaigns.
Community Management Icon
Community Management
Manage communities to facilitate and strengthen relationships among members creating a healthy environment.
Coaching Icon
Help to develop new skills and set practical and achievable goals to improving the productivity and satisfaction.